Touch 'n Seal® Introduces Slow-Rise Formula
Touch 'n Seal®, manufactured by Convenience Products, has introduced another low-pressure, two-component spray foam product, 1.75 pcf Slow-Rise formula.
“We designed the reactivity profile for our Slow-Rise formulation to optimize its flowability, allowing it to fill complex cavities,” explains Jay Zhang, Convenience Products’ technical manager for polyurethanes, “Slow-Rise is intended for pour-in-place applications where the foam needs to completely fill cavities or spaces without creating voids or excessive pressure.”
Touch ‘n Seal® Slow-Rise is a closed-cell, medium-density urethane foam system which passes ASTM E84, Class I fire test and meets the Coast Guard specification requirements for flotation CFR Title 33-183.114. In addition to marine applications, this Slow-Rise is well suited for repairing foam insulation in tank wagons, refrigerated trailers, or concrete block filling where voids or cavities cannot be accessed with spray applied foam. The applicator nozzles have been designed to fit with tubing for better control of the application.
Touch ‘n Seal® 1.75 pcf Slow-Rise is available in 200- and 600- board foot foam kits,
750- board foot cylinders for the Constant Pressure Dispensing System, and 17- and 60- pound refillable cylinders.